“ hand roll ” 10 Results

Add one secret ingredient to upgrade this recipe! Make medium sized sushi rolls, less fiddly than the thin ones (hosomaki)!
Cooked rice , Sushi vinegar, Nori sheets, Tuna mayonnaise:, Tinned tuna (in sunflower oil), Mayonnaise, Tomato ketchup, Dashi stock granules
So handy as you can close the roll and take it on a picnic. Enjoy two flavours from one bread roll!
Bread rolls, Lettuce leaf, Smoked salmon slice, Capers, Smoked mackerel fillet, Mayonnaise, Lemon juice, Parsley
The smoked mackerel is well supported by a sauce made from the mackerel, mayonnaise, soy sauce and capers - try it!
Nori sheets, Sushi rice, Smoked mackerel fillets, Basil leaves, Pickled mooli (takuan) (optional), Sauce recipe, Mayonnaise, Soy sauce, Smoked mackerel fillet, Capers
Everyone loves chicken katsu - so why not wrap up in a sushi roll with some delicious sauce?
Chicken katsu:, Chicken breast fillet, Salt & pepper, Flour, Egg, Panko breadcrumbs, Sushi rice:, Cooked rice, Sushi vinegar, Tonkatsu sauce, Mustard, Salad leaves
Roll up the soy sauce with it so it's easy just to tuck into!
Nori sheets, Sushi rice, Sushi vinegar, Smoked salmon slices, Pickled mooli (takuan), Basil leaves, Sauce:, Mayonnaise, Soy sauce, Wasabi paste
I discovered Arabiki sausages in a Japanese store in London.
Strong flour, Granulated sugar, Salt, Melted butter, Dried yeast, Hand-hot water, Butter (for glazing), Arabiki sausages, Flour for dusting
Easy peasy, anyone can make this and enjoy it!
Smoked mackerel fillets, Nori sheets (1/2 size), Chives, Wasabi
Rollmop is pickled herring, it's very sour but handy and cheap.
Sushi rice, Wasabi, Rollmop fillets, Dashi granules, Salt
A general rule: half a nori sheet, 80g sushi rice placed with a 2cm gap across the top; the cucumber should be 1cm square long strips - then it should work out fine (probably).
Hot cooked rice, Sushi vinegar, Nori sheets, Cucumber
Close the bread lids and wrap in cling film to make a handy portable picnic item!
Bread rolls, Leftover roast chicken , Lettuce leaf, Peri peri sauce, King prawns, Mayonnaise, Parsley